I use this page to show my photos from China. I never got familiar with the use of social media, insted I made this homepage to display my photos. I first came to China in april 2009, and had a great introduction to China from my old friend Anders Kjær and Jing Xie and her family. Later I was married to a golden-hearted chinese woman. On the picture above she is dressed up in traditional clothes in Long-Ji , Guandxi-prov. During the years from 2009 to 2016 I had visited China nine times and been around many wonderful places, and I have meet very good friends and enjoy the hospitality of the Chinese people. During my visits to China , I have used this page to display some of my photos and some diary notes :-) Fell free to have a look around
Zaijian - otto
Some of my images from China
Shanghai set fra Pudong over Huangpu-floden - i forgrunden den berømte promenade 'The Bund'
Fabriksarbejder i Dongguan - "Kinas Fabrik" - vi besøgte kuffertfabrikken her og så hvordan arbejdere boede på fabrikken.
To kvindelige bygningsarbejdere tager en lur i middagspausen på en byggeplads i Xi'an. De er ved at opføre Huawei's nye Research & Development Center.
4-5 landsbyer set under indflyvning til millionbyen CHongqing. Der er mere end 4 mio. af sådanne små landsbyer i Kina
Besøg hos en skoleklasse i Liuzhou i Guangxi provinsen. Der er 60-70 elever i klassen. Jeg fortalte om Danmark og de fortalte mig navnene på alle Europas lande og hovedstæder.
Gamle boliger i Wuhan. "Gamle" boliger i Kina er alt som er mere end 20 år gammelt, det skyldes ikke mindst en total mangel på elementær vedligeholdelse.
Et kinesisk måltid ved barnedåb i Tangzhi i Hubei-provinsen.
Dawu - et turistudviklingsprojekt ca 50 km nord for Xiaogan. En kæmpe plads foran den nye stationsbygning og et byområde opført i en eller anden form for europæisk byggestil. Vi var heldige at møde direktøren for det hele , da vi var de eneste besøgende her.
Aftendans i den lille township Tangzhi. Her som alle andre steder i Kina, mødes kvinderne om aftnen og danser, laver Tai Chi eller anden form for motion.
Udsigten fra The Bund i Shanghai mod Pudong - det nye financielle og teknologiske center i Shanghai som er opført indenfor de sidste 20 år.
'Søster' Xiaomei hjælper genboen med at tilberede grøntsager på den lille fortovs restaurant.
Snakker med bønderne i en lille landsby uden for Tangzhi - det er 40 g. varmt, men fra skyggen af bambusplanterne kommer lidt køligere luft. Bemærk de små stole.
Old and new friends are kindly requested to add they contact information to my
e-mail list. These information, will only be used by me.
Konfutze said:
"Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated."
"By nature, men are nearly alike; by practice, they get to be wide apart."
"Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life."
"It is easy to hate and it is difficult to love. This is how the whole scheme of things works. All good things are difficult to achieve, and bad things are very easy to get."
"Without feelings of respect, what is there to distinguish men from beasts?"
"What the superior man seeks is in himself; what the small man seeks is in others."
"Do not impose on others what you yourself do not desire."
"I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand."
"Real knowledge is to know the extent of one's ignorance."
About me
I'm Otto Leholt from Denmark - I have worked as high school teacher in history and geography for nearly forty years.
Since 2009 I have visited China nine times - been around the big cities to small villages in the countryside.